Toon name: Snip3r
Faction: Fury
Timezone: GMT London
Age: 22
How many hours a day approximately will you be playing? between 4-9hrs
Have you any previous experience as a GS? I do not have previous GS experience however, i know the roles of a GS and how GS makes the Community better
Why do you think you meet requirements? because I've played shaiya os + private servers for about 3 years thus, i have all the relevant knowledge of the game
Why do you want to become a GS? This is my first ever GS Application, mainly because I couldn't find the right Server that meets my gaming requirements, however Shaiya Chaos looks promising and as i have been helping several people lv up, learn the game and builds in OS think its about time [GS]Snip3r arrives to this server and share knowledge to the Shaiya Chaos Community
Do you understand that being a GS is more than having a tag, that being a GS means a compromise with the rest of the Staff? yes, being a GS also incurs the responsibility of respecting and understanding other Staff
Tell us something more about yourself
been playing several servers, last server i played was H n S Shaiya, however due to inconsistency of their server (Dc) i then found this server which matches my gaming criteria, which is a straight pvp server that avoids several hours of farming that leads to players leaving. Moreover, i speak and write fluent English, helpful and Im usually on shaiya pretty much everyday.